9 Oct 2007


In Bulgaria, the town mayor elections are drawing near. It's not necessary to speak or read Bulgarian to understand it - just a brief look at the streets is more than enough. There is hardly any space even for Coca-Cola ads and billboards, because all advertising space is taken by unknown, evil-looking candidates, with names like Kaymakanov or Buzdrev. Now, tell me, how is that any different from Mefistofel or Beelzebub? Combine that with the look in their eyes, saying "Sell me your soul, and I'll give you 0.1% montly income raise!". No, thank you, I prefer to sell my soul to the devil and live my whole life in fame and fortune. Now, that's a good deal that isn't advertised anywhere and still has it's followers.

Don't you just
to trust this guy?

Apart from that - are they taking us for complete retards? Do they actually expect to win the elections with slogans like "You decide", "I guarantee" or "For Plovdiv"? Sure, I understand they are mentally challenged - there is no other logical explanation for their inability to compose a longer sentence. But "I guarantee", for Chirst's sake?! Guarantee what? To raise montly income? To clean my room and do my laundry? Because right now I'm in desperate need for someone to clean my room, so if you could be a little more specific about what you guatantee, you may win my vote.

And I can only imagine (but that's because I'm highly imaginative person) the conversations between the mayor candidates and the poor journalists, trying to take an interview.
Journalist: Hello Mr. Lucifer, I'm really glad I have this opportinuty to...
Mr. Lucifer: YOU DECIDE!
Journalist: Hmmm, but of course, I think you mean that we are responsible for our own actions and that we must think twice before we give our vote for a potentially unsuitable candidate that could ruin the city economy in just a few short years. Very well said, very well.
Journalist: Okay, next question then. What changes do you plan to make in the educational syst...
Mr. Lucifer: (raises his arm over his horned head and gives a mighty battle cry) FOR PLOVDIIIIIIV!!!!!
Journalist: My God, these candidates are all the same, I bet his next line will be "Tonight we dine in Hell!"...
Well, that's all for now. And while talking about demons wanting to get the scepter of power, I will show my support to the elections by dedicating a song for all the devil wannabes. And we can only hope that "we'll all rock to the rules that they make..."