23 May 2008

12 reasons to feel down

Perfection is achieved through flawless observation of the imperceptable facts. True or not? Just a bunch of scary, long, artificially sofisticated words, if you ask me. Some dances and music around and what not. Music and dances seem to be joyful things, right? Not always. Some bring positive emotions, some bring negative, but all in all, both types are created to entertain people in a specific way. Entertainment is not what I find in these dances and songs I listen to right now.

Little, scared, mouse-like dee - we miss you, please come home and join the хоро! И-ха!!!

Written from the central post office in Plovdiv, thanks to Sladoledi ALFREDO and their kind sponsorship (shown by providing wireless network connection).

P.S Fibo is invited too! Love & kisses.