3 Feb 2009

God's unwanted children

And while I’m on the “Fight Club” subject, there’s another part of the film/book I’d live to discuss. There a thought there, about modern men (“men” as in “male people”). Too many marriages are falling apart nowadays, thus many kids are left growing up without a father. As Tyler puts it – “We are a generation of men raised by women.” To conclude, he continues “I don’t know if another woman is what we need”. That, however, doesn’t interest me much at this time, but his theory about God does. What is we are God’s unwanted children? Not loved, not hated, but neglected?

Well, think about it – God created this world, felt something ain’t right, tried to straighten us up a few times, but when we finally killed Jesus, he simply got fed up and searched for a better world to create. Fascinating theory – to be God’s unwanted children, forsaken and left out of his divine plan. Probably with the words “Go figure it out, assholes, I’m getting out, you worthless pricks”. It makes sense, you know? Read the Bible. Now, just for the argument’s sake, let’s at least pretend we believe it and it all happened that way. Forget the age of the world and tell me do you notice anything strange? Well? Lack of miracles, ladies and gentlemen. It seems the world was a much interesting place to live back then – think about it. We have dead men resurrected, we have seas split in two with magical staves that turn into snakes, we have the occasional flood and Noah’s ark, the multiplying fish and bread, virgins giving birth, even people drawing inhuman power from their hair, for fuck’s sake.

Today is the day of the unlimited communications, how come we haven’t heard anything of that magnitude happen? The answer’s easy – they just ain’t happening. ‘Cause women don’t miraculously get pregnant, despite of what you’re neighbor’s teenage daughter wants you to believe. Ever walked into a fast food restaurant, order a cheeseburger and when you get to eat it, it splits in two? Well, it sure ain’t happened to me, I’ll give you that. You know what happens if you are on a boat deep at sea, and a big storm comes? You fucking drown, that’s what happens. You don’t start running between the waves, shouting “Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers!”. So, to summarize, God probably got really fed up with us once we killed Jesus and opted to leave us be. Its like, he tell us “I’m God, all-loving and all-forgiving” and we reply “Well, forgive that, you whiny little bitch!”.

But do we need him anyway? I think not – we made our miracles. Has God ever gave us the phone? The Internet? The medicine? Movies? Even art – we made that ourselves. God never gave us any art. God probably gave us Limp Bizkit, because he hates us, but I really don’t think that qualifies as art (Oh, why, God, WHY?!). We understand how the phone, Internet and birth control works, sure, but does that make them any less of a miracles? It’s easy to sit up on top and tell people what to do via the 10 commandments and all, but try making a horny teenager put on a condom. I dare you. Which we can do, via providing the said teenager with information of the consequences if he doesn’t put it on– pregnancy, diseases, wedding, second pair of parents, whiny wife...

So, what then? Do what works for you - hate him, love him, praise him... whatever. It's not like he gives a damn, you know?